Associate of Business Administration in International Business Management

The Associate of Business Administration in International Business Management programme prepares students to thrive in the international arena. With a special focus on Asia and the Greater China area, this programme offers a comprehensive education in the field of international business and equips students with essential knowledge and skills to pursue diverse career paths both locally and globally. The broad-based curriculum provides valuable opportunities for graduates to transition into other business and social science programmes while ensuring that they are well-prepared for success in the dynamic international business landscape. This programme opens doors to exciting prospects in the ever-expanding global marketplace, empowering students to excel in their international careers.









Tai Wai





2 years



63 CPS 



Associate Degree  



19/001249/L4  01/09/2020-31/08/2024


Admission, entry requirements and fees

A range of admission options are available for students of different academic backgrounds. Find out how to apply.  

No programme specific entry requirement.  Please refer to General entry requirements


Application Fee


Application fee is payable when applicants are invited for interviews.  Application fee can be paid by the following methods:
  1. By direct deposit at any branch of the Hang Seng Bank or ATM transfer (Bank Code: 024) (A/C number: 359-300001-004)
  2. OR
  3. By Octopus Card at the College Office

Tuition Fee

All Full-time Associate Degree/Higher Diploma students are required to take 63 credits in two years at HK$1,900 per credit. Total tuition fees for two years are about HK$119,700.

Other Fee

A Graduation Fee of $400 will be charged upon enrolment in a programme.

Financial Assistance

Students enrolled in self-financing Bachelor/Associate Degree /Higher Diploma programmes are eligible to apply for financial assistance from the following sources:

  • Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (FASP)

    Provides means-tested financial assistance to needy full-time students pursuing locally-accredited, self-financing post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree. The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to needy students so that no eligible students will be denied access to post-secondary education because of lack of means.

    Enquiries:       2152 9000

  • Non-means Tested Loan Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (NLSPS)

    The NLSPS is used to complement the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) to provide loan(s) to eligible students to settle tuition fees of locally-accredited, self-financing full-time post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree

    Enquiries:        2150 6222

  • Continuing Education Fund (CEF)

    Some of the AD programmes or course(s) in the AD programmes are included in the list of reimbursable courses for CEF purposes.

    The CEF subsidizes students over 18 years of age with learning aspirations to pursue continuing education and training courses. Eligible applicants enrolling on courses after 1 August 2022 will be reimbursed 80% of their fees on the first $10,000 and 60% on the second $15,000, subject to a maximum sum of HK$25,000 (whichever is the less), on successful completion of a reimbursable programme/course(s).

    Enquiries:        3142 2277

Programme outcomes and structure

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what the learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do upon completion of a course. Students graduating from this programme will be able to:




Demonstrate a broad knowledge base and solid foundation of generic skills including English and Chinese communication skills, critical thinking and analysis, and digital skills;


Appreciate the major socio-political, cultural and economic issues in the local, national, regional and international contexts;


Exhibit a strong sense of social responsibility and civic values, a passion in pursuing creativity and innovativeness, and the spirit of lifelong learning;


Command knowledge of key aspects of international business environment and problem-solving skills in global context;


Analyze international business strategy including cross-cultural management issues.

  • Global Supply Chain Management
  • International Business
  • International Management
  • International Marketing
  • International Finance
  • Economic Integration and Trade Policies in Asia
  • Global Business Project

To qualify for this award, a candidate shall accrue an aggregate of at least 63 credit points (cps) by satisfactory completion of the following core courses.

Course Code

Course Name

Core Courses (39cps)


Understanding Accounting




Understanding Marketing


Principles of Economics


Information Management1


Global Business Project


Operations Management1


Global Supply Chain Management


Financial Management1


International Business


International Management


Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility


Economic Integration and Trade Policies in Asia

Elective Course (3cps)

Select one:


International Marketing


International Finance

Language Skills (9cps)


Practical Chinese

CGE1000 / 1500

English for Academic Studies A / B


English Prof Comm. Skills for Business

General Education (12cps)


Hong Kong Society


Understanding Statistics


Critical Thinking


Understanding Contemporary China

Note 1: Course transferrable to BBA programmes of CityU

According to the Graduate Exit Survey,  84.6% of surveyed graduates went on to further studies with 36.4% enrolled in UGC-funded universities.

The following further studies pathways is not exhaustive but only aims to show some examples.


UOW College Hong Kong

  • Bachelor of Banking and Financial Technology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Marketing and Supply Chain Management (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Maritime Services and Operations Management (Honours)


City University of Hong Kong

  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Accountancy
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Management
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing


Hong Kong Baptist University

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) – Human Resources Concentration


The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration


The University of Hong Kong

  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance


Note 1: Some courses are transferrable to the BBA programes of CityU. Please visit progrmme structure for details

Graduates from this programme will be able to find employment in international trade and investment industries.

Chan Ching Yeung, Keith

ABAIBM graduate (2019); Articulated to BBA Accountancy in CUHK

“The experience in ABAIBM has equipped me with flexibility, persistence, and happiness. I have become more flexible in adapting to changes, persistent in pursuing my passions, and, most importantly, happy in both my studies and personal life. In the future, I strive to build a professional career in accounting or even start my own business.”



Zhou Dan

ABAIBM graduate (2023); Articulated to BBA in Risk and Insurance Management in Lingnan University, (2023)

"The courses I took in the International Business Management programme at UOW College Hong Kong helped me develop a broad global business perspective. For example, through courses such as International Business, Economic Integration, and Asian Trade Policies, I gained an understanding of how to analyze and address various challenges that arise in the international business environment. In the final semester, the Global Business Project course required us to apply our knowledge to critically analyze a specific business strategy of a renowned multinational company, which laid a solid foundation for developing my business analysis skills.

Furthermore, the school's seminars on further education and job interviews provided valuable insights for planning our future paths, helping us have a clearer plan for our career or further studies."



Any enquiries relating to the ABAIBM programme should be directed to the Programme Leader, Mr Ken Hui.

Contact Us

Faculty of Business

Telephone: 2707 3131
Fax: 2707 3132

Address: 3/F, 18 Che Kung Miu Road, Tai Wai, New Territories, Hong Kong

[accessible via MTR Tai Wai Station Exit B]

College Office

Telephone: Main campus - 2707 3111 / 2707 4669
Fax: 2707 3222

Address: 1/F, 18 Che Kung Miu Road, Tai Wai, New Territories, Hong Kong

[accessible via MTR Tai Wai Station Exit B]

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