The College organised a workshop on 24th May 2023, at Kowloon City campus to introduce the new laptops and Office 365 features that will be adopted for course delivery in the Tai Wai Campus starting from September 2023. The workshop aimed to prepare the academic staff for the upcoming technology change and enhance their teaching and learning experience with technology. The speaker showed how to connect the laptops to the board and use the writing pen for course elaboration, English transcription, script to text and interaction between the board and the laptop. The speaker also demonstrated the built-in Designer tool to beautify the PPT slides and the new Microsoft co-pilot feature that will be available soon. The participants had a chance to test the sub-titles function and use Bing tools to help them create PPT slides. The workshop also showcased the two-screen teaching mode with Power Point, Word or Paint and the script animation feature that was useful for teaching mathematical expressions. The workshop was well-attended by over 25 staff members who gave positive comments and feedback.
(學院在九龍城校園舉辦了新筆記簿電腦和Office 365功能的工作坊。工作坊旨在幫助員工適應技術變革,提高教質素。講者展示了如何連接和使用筆記簿電腦的方法,以及使用”Designer”美化PPT幻燈片。參與者測試了字幕功能並示範雙屏教學模式和手寫功能。工作坊超過25名員工參加,並得到一致好評。)