Academic Board


The UOWCHK Academic Board is a committee of the UOWCHK Board of Governors. It is the senior academic body that holds authority to oversee the academic governance of UOWCHK, including the development, implementation and monitoring of programs, maintenance and improvement of academic standards and integrity, and education compliance obligations on behalf of the UOWCHK Board of Governors.

The Academic Board membership consists of:

  • A UOW Pro Vice-Chancellor or Associate Dean Education or Associate Dean International (Chair)
  • President of UOWCHK (Co-Chair)
  • A representative of UOW Academic Senate
  • A UOW senior academic, drawn from the Associate Deans Education and/or Heads of School, where identified as necessary by the Chair
  • Two external professional and/or academic members
  • UOW Global Enterprises Director of Academic Governance and Performance
  • Vice-President, UOWCHK
  • Dean and Associate Dean of each faculty of UOWCHK
  • Academic Registrar or equivalent
  • Director of Student Services
  • Two elected full-time academic staff from each faculty of UOWCHK
  • The Chair of each subcommittee of the UOWCHK Academic Board or their nominee: 
    • Chair, Admission and Academic Regulations Committee
    • Chair, College Research Committee
    • Chair, Examination Board
    • Chair, Faculty Boards
    • Chair, General Education Committee
    • Chair, iBlended Learning Steering Committee
    • Chair, Quality Assurance Committee
    • Chair, Validation and Monitoring Committee
  • One student representative from each faculty of UOWCHK
  • Attendees will include:
    • Programme Leaders of Associate Degrees and Undergraduate Degree Programmes

Tenure and membership selection:  

  • The Chair and additional UOW senior academic are selected by the UOW Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor and UOWGE CEO, and will be chosen from faculties relevant to the institution’s current or planned course offering.
  • The term for the staff representatives is three years; membership is renewed by staff nomination and election.
  • The term for the external professional and/or academic members is three years; membership is selected by the Academic Board Chair. External professional and/or academic members may have their period of membership renewed at the discretion of the Chair.
  • The term for student members will be one year. Student members will be elected by and from among their peers.
  • One person may hold more than one position on the Academic Board by reason of their appointed role (eg A Dean who is Chair of a Faculty Board will occupy those two positions on the Academic Board)
  • In appointing members, the Chair shall seek to ensure gender equity across the membership of the Academic Board.

The Academic Board reports to the UOWCHK Board of Governors and the UOWGE Board of Academic Governance.

The Academic Board will consider all matters relating to the academic life of UOWCHK, including excellence, innovation and continuing professional development in teaching and learning, and related activities.

The Academic Board will receive reports on these matters from any committee(s) established under it, and will note the resolutions of these committees. 

The Academic Board will:

  1. Advise on the strategic academic directions and areas for improvement in teaching and learning and research
  2. Review and approve policies that encourage high quality teaching and learning and research
  3. Oversee the planning, development and maintenance of programs
  4. Review and recommend new educational offerings to the UOWCHK Board of Governors for approval
  5. Endorse accreditation and re-accreditation submissions
  6. Approve major changes to existing offerings and note minor changes to existing offerings
  7. Monitor and review the quality of teaching and learning, including monitoring student feedback and the resulting actions taken
  8. Monitor student performance, including progression rates, completion rates, student attrition, and grade distributions, between courses of study and over time
  9. Oversee the administration of the rules governing qualifications and the transfer of qualifications between institutions, including those related to entry, progression and completion of programs of study
  10. Oversee the development and maintenance of effective academic quality assurance processes
  11. Advise on frameworks for recognition of teaching and research excellence
  12. Approve examination results and recommend nominations for the conferral of UOWCHK’s awards to candidates who satisfy the requirements prescribed for the approved program
  13. Consider and report on any matter referred to it by the UOWCHK Board of Governors, UOWGE Board of Academic Governance, the President or UOW Deputy Vice-Chancellors
  14. Establish committees, working parties or ad hoc groups to assist in other academic matters, and to receive reports from these committees, working parties and ad hoc groups.
  15. Approve academic regulations for student progress through programmes of study.
  16. Receive regular reports from the Faculty Board for each faculty, ensuring that each Faculty Board discharges its responsibility for the teaching and general organization of the courses assigned to that Faculty.
  17. Approve the appointment of External Academic Advisers.
  • The Academic Board will meet at least four times per year.
  • Additional meetings may be called by the Chair or the UOWCHK Board of Governors.
  • Written notice of place and agenda of meetings shall be given to members at least seven days before each meeting. The agenda and minutes of meetings of the Academic Board will be made available to all staff of UOWCHK Board of Governors via the intranet.
  • The members may pass a resolution without a meeting being held if a quorum approves the resolution in writing.
  • The Chair will provide a summary report of Academic Board meetings at each meeting of the Board of Governors and the UOWGE Board of Academic Governance.


Minutes and other records will be held in the office of the Secretariat of the Academic Board.

  • Where any matter requires resolution by ballot, each voting member (including the Chair) will have one vote; in the case of a tied result the Chair will have a second or casting vote.
  • Minutes and agendas are approved by the Chair prior to distribution to members.
  • The Academic Board will conduct a self-review at least once every five years.

The quorum for any meeting of the Academic Board shall consist of 50% of members plus one member.