Committees under Academic Board


Committees are established under the Academic Board for handling different aspects of work.

The Admission and Academic Regulations Committee (AARC) under the Academic Board has the responsibility to review and formulate academic regulations for all academic programmes of the College. Its scope covers regulations regarding Admission, Registration, Medium of Instruction, Class Scheduling, Credit Transfer, Course Exemption, Length and Workload of Study, Withdrawal and Termination of Study, Examinations, Release of Examination Results, Academic Appeal, Academic Dishonesty, Application for Graduation, Requirements for Awards, and Award Classification.

The College Research Committee is a committee of the Academic Board with responsibility for oversight of strategies and policies related to research within the Faculties.

The Examination Board of the College is responsible for classifying students’ awards, recommending to the Academic Board conferment of awards, and terminating the studies of students on academic grounds on behalf of the Academic Board.

Faculty Boards are:

  1. To be responsible for planning the academic direction of the Faculty in line with the spirit and ethos of the institution.
  2. To be responsible for the maintenance of academic standards of programmes under its remit.
  3. To establish criteria for programme admission, appointment of academics to deliver the programme(s), and the appointment of External Academic Advisors.
  4. To coordinate and improve teaching programmes and research activities within the Faculty.
  5. To make recommendations to the Academic Board concerning curriculum development and revision, the quality of its programmes and its research and consultancy activities.
  6. To be responsible for the quality of its submissions for validation and to ensure proper and effective operation of procedures for course approval and programme reviews have been met.
  7. To co-ordinate and scrutinize the annual monitoring processes of the Faculty, noting the rigour and effectiveness of programme evaluation and the implementation of action resulting from that process.
  8. To ensure the vitality of the programme(s) within its remit and that they are responsive to the needs of students, employers and the community.
  9. To make recommendations to the Academic Board on the appointment of external advisers and panel members for internal validation exercises.
  10. To receive the External Academic Advisers and internal validation/revalidation panel reports and to scrutinize and adopt recommendations provided for improvement.
  11. To undertake such other functions and activities as may be requested by the Academic Board.


The General Education Committee (GEC) under the Academic Board has the responsibility to set strategic direction and review the General Education (GE) components for all programmes of the College. The delivery of GE courses will be monitored by both the Associate Deans of Faculties, who are required to submit to the Validation and Monitoring Committee (VMC) an Annual Report on all GE courses offered in the respective Faculty, as well as by the GEC, which will review all GE course reports every semester.

The UOWCHK iBlended Learning (iBL) Steering Committee is responsible for overseeing the overall governance, planning, development, operation, monitoring and assessment of the adoption of iBL in UOWCHK.

The Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) is set up under the Academic Board to promote a quality culture in UOWCHK, foster a culture of quality assurance in UOWCHK and to formulate and recommend to the Academic Board the appropriate quality assurance policies and procedures. The QAC also coordinates the preparation for academic quality audits that are undertaken by the appropriate bodies in Hong Kong and will undertake quality assurance audits for institutions interested in sending their students to UOWCHK.

The Validation and Monitoring Committee (VMC) is set up under the Academic Board to assist the Board in carrying out its quality assurance responsibility in relation to the scrutiny of new course proposals, course validation and revalidation, monitoring and review. The VMC makes recommendations to the Academic Board on the conformity of new and revalidated programmes with the Academic Regulations and policies.