The Board of Governors will operate in a manner reflecting the UOWCHK values and in accordance with the UOWCHK Articles of Association, the Post-Secondary College Ordinance (Cap 320) and other applicable laws and regulations.
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors will be comprised of:
- Chairman
- Six members from business/professional community
- Two members from higher education community
- Two members from UOW
- President of UOWCHK
- Two co-opted external members
Mr Nicholas BROOKE, GBS, SBS, JP
Six members from the business/professional community:
- Mr Vincent CHOW Wing Shing, SBS, BBS, JP
- Mr John Martin GREEN
- Ms Barbara MOK Wai Kun
- Mr Joseph PANG Yuk Wing, BBS, JP
- Mr Robert RYAN
- Mr Greg WEST
Two members from the higher education community:
- Professor Rebecca CHIU Lai Har, MH, JP
- To be appointed
Two members from UOW:
- To be appointed
President of UOWCHK:
- Ms Currie Tsang
Two co-opted external members:
To be appointed, if necessary
The role of the Board of Governors is:
- To ensure the mission of UOWCHK is implemented;
- To review and endorse the strategic plans of UOWCHK;
- To review and endorse the annual budget of UOWCHK;
- To ensure high academic and general standards and conduct;
- To ensure sufficient resources for the viable and sustainable development of UOWCHK on an ongoing basis;
- To appoint the President who shall be the principal academic and administrative officer of UOWCHK;
- To determine the management structure of UOWCHK;
- To approve business development initiatives;
- To ensure that the operation of UOW College Hong Kong is consistent with its self-financing status;
- To monitor work health and safety performance of UOWCHK;
- To exercise all other responsibilities in accordance with the Articles of Association.
The Board of Governors may establish committees to assist the Board of Governors in exercising its authority and discharging its obligations. The permanent committees of the Board of Governors are the College Council and the Academic Board.
The Board of Governors will meet at least twice each year.
The Chairperson may convene at any time and shall do so on written request of 5 members of the Board of Governors.
Written notice of place and agenda of meetings will be given to members at least seven days before each Board meeting.
Members may attend meetings in person or via teleconference or similar technology, sufficient to ensure that the member is able to participate fully in discussions and business.
The members may pass a resolution without a meeting being held if all members approve the resolution in writing.
A quorum of one half of the members of the Board of Governors.
Accurate minutes must be kept as a record of each Board of Governors meeting.
Minutes, meeting papers and other records will be held in the office of the Secretariat of the Board of Governors.
The minutes of the UOWCHK Board of Governors meetings will be provided to the UOWGE Board.