College Council


The UOW College Hong Kong (UOWCHK) College Council is the executive body of UOWCHK established as a committee of the Board of Governors. The UOWCHK College Council reports to the Board of Governors.


The College Council will be comprised of:

  • Chair (nominated by BoG)
  • Four members from business/professional community (two members from BoG)
  • Two members from higher education community
  • Two members from UOW
  • President of UOWCHK
  • One elected staff representative




Four members from business/professional community:

  • Mr Vincent CHOW Wing Shing, SBS, BBS, JP
  • Ms Angelina KWAN
  • Mr Greg WEST

Two members from higher education community:

  • Professor Jonathan WEBSTER
  • Professor Ricky WONG Ngok Shun

Two members from UOW:

  • Ms Jennifer NG Glok Hong

President of UOWCHK:

  • Ms Currie Tsang

One elected staff representative:

  • Dr. Charlie CHOI

The College Council is established by, and responsible to, the Board of Governors, with the following authorities:

  • To make recommendation to the Board of Governors regarding the internal management structure of UOWCHK.
  • To formulate operational policies and procedures based on decisions taken by the Board of Governors on matters relating to finance, staffing, student recruitment, and promotion, etc., and to oversee the implementation of these policies.
  • To plan, oversee and keep under review policies concerning all administrative matters of the College taking into account the mission and financial status of UOWCHK.
  • To advise the Board of Governors and Academic Board on academic issues in relation to finance and other aspects of UOWCHK’s academic programmes.
  • To establish committees, working parties or ad hoc groups to assist the College Council to discharge its responsibilities;
  • To report its activities and to make available minutes of its meetings to the Board of Governors.

The College Council will meet at least four times each year.

The Chairperson will convene meetings.

Written notice of place and agenda of meetings shall be given to members at least seven days before each meeting.

The members may pass a resolution without a meeting being held if all members approve the resolution in writing.

The Chairperson will provide a summary report of College Council meetings at each meeting of the Board of Governors.

Minutes of College Council meetings will be provided to the Board of Governors for noting.


Accurate minutes must be kept as a record of each College Council meeting.

Minutes, meeting papers and other records will be held in the office of the Secretariat of the College Council.


The quorum for any meeting of the College Council shall consist of one-half of the members.

Where any matter requires resolution by ballot, each voting member (including the Chairperson) will have one vote; in the case of a tied result the Chairperson will have a second or casting vote.

Minutes and agendas must be approved by the Chairperson prior to distribution to members.