UOWCHK Management Committee


The UOWCHK Management Committee assists the President in formulating and overseeing implementation of operational policies and procedures based on decisions taken by the Board of Governors and College Council. The Committee also advises the President on issues in relation to administrative aspects of the academic programmes, sets up and receives regular reports from its sub-committees.

  • To make recommendations to the President regarding the internal management structure of UOW College Hong Kong;
  • To assist the President in formulating operational policies and procedures based on decisions taken by the Board of Governors and College Council, e.g., on matters relating to finance, staffing, student recruitment, and promotion; and, to oversee the implementation of these policies;
  • To assist the President in planning, overseeing, and keeping under review policies concerning all administrative matters of the College taking into account the mission and financial status of the College;
  • To advise the President on academic issues in relation to finance and other administrative aspects of the programmes; and
  • To set up and receive regular reports from sub-committees, e.g., Academic Planning & Development Committee, Staff Consultative Committee, Publicity & Marketing Committee, Information Technology Services Committee, Facilities Planning & Development Committee, etc.
  • Chair: President
  • Ex-officio Members:
    • Vice Presidents
    • Academic Registrar
    • Deans and Associate Deans of Faculties
    • Director of Student Services
  • Elected Staff Members (on two-year terms): Two members of the full-time academic staff elected by and from the full-time academic staff of the College
  • Secretary: Assistant College Secretary
  • In attendance:
    • Consultant
    • Secretary for Finance and Operations
    • Secretary for Communications and Public Relations
    • Assistant Director of Quality Assurance
    • Assistant College Secretaries