Minors in Degree programmes

Students studying a normative 4-year self-financing degree programme of the College can take a structured group of courses required for a minor as their free electives, and upon satisfactory completion of the courses, may declare the minor. The completed minor will be shown on the student’s academic transcript but not on the Degree Certificate. 

Owing to limits on class quota and timetabling constraints, the College does not guarantee that a student can complete any course required for a minor or can declare a minor.

A minor may require 15 to 18 credit units. Double counting of courses is impermissible between the courses under the requirement of the major and the requirement of a minor. Credits earned to fulfil the minor requirement cannot be used toward meeting the requirement for a major taken by the student. 

Seven minors listed below are being offered:

  1. Accounting
  2. Airline and Airport Studies
  3. Chinese
  4. Chinese History and Culture
  5. Finance
  6. Japanese
  7. Social Innovation

For the courses required for a minor, you may read the Curricula of Minors (see below).

For each minor, there are Exclusive Majors. Students of the Exclusive Majors may register for individual courses in the minor as free electives but are not allowed to declare that minor.


Exclusive Major


Bachelor of Accounting (Hons)

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Language, Literature and Communication

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Japanese Studies

Airline and Airport

Bachelor of Aviation (Hons) in Operations and Management

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Language, Literature and Communication

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Japanese Studies


Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Language, Literature and Communication

Chinese History and Culture



Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Finance

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Language, Literature and Communication

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Japanese Studies


Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Japanese Studies

Social Innovation

Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) in Social Innovation


This minor aims to provide students with core accounting theories and practice in relation to Hong Kong business environment. 

Offering Faculty


Credit units required


Core Courses

(15 credit units)

  • ACC2101 Financial Accounting II (3 credits)
  • ACC2201 Management Accounting (3 credits)
  • ACC3101 Corporate Accounting I (3 credits)
  • ACC3471 Accounting Information Systems (3 credits)
  • FBU3601 Law Relating to Companies (3 credits)

Elective Courses

(3 credit units)

One of the following courses:

For non-BBA Finance students

  • ACC1101 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)

For BBA Finance students

  • ACC2501 Taxation (3 credits)

Exclusive Majors

  • Bachelor of Accounting (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Language, Literature and Communication
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Japanese Studies

Airline and Airport Studies

This minor aims to provide students with a good understanding of the operations and management knowledge related to aviation and the use of smart technologies in the airline and airport industries. 

Offering Faculty

Science and Technology

Credit units required


Core Courses

(9 credit units)

  • AVI1100 Introduction to Aviation (3 credits)
  • AVI3300 Mobile Technologies in Aviation (3 credits)
  • AVI3402 Airline Strategic Management (3 credits)

Elective Courses

(6 credit units)

Two of the following courses and One Must be either AVI3200 or AVI3400.

  • AVI2200 Airport Operations (3 credits)
  • AVI2201 Airline Operations and In-Flight Services (3 credits)
  • AVI3200 Aviation Safety, Security and Regulation (3 credits)
  • AVI3400 Human Factors in Aviation (3 credits)

Exclusive Majors

  • Bachelor of Aviation (Hons) in Operations and Management
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Language, Literature and Communication
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Japanese Studies


This minor aims to meet the professional language needs of students in various disciplines, particularly enhancing graduates’ language skills (written Chinese and Putonghua). It also allows students to enhance their Chinese reading and writing skills through understanding of literature in Hong Kong and the Mainland China.

Offering Faculty

Arts and Humanities

Credit units required


Core Courses

(9 credit units)

  • CHI3001 Writing Workshop 寫作工作坊 (3 credits)
  • CHI3002 Exploring Hong Kong Literature 香港文學概論 (3 credits)
  • CHI3004 Exploring Chinese Classics 古籍導讀 (3 credits)

Elective Courses

(6 credit units)

Two of the following courses:

  • CHI1003 Phonology of Putonghua: Theories and Applications 普通話語音理論及應用 (3 credits)
  • CHI2002 Introduction to Modern Chinese Literature 中國現代文學概論 (3 credits)
  • CHI2003 Chinese for the Mass Media 傳媒中文 (3 credits)
  • CHI2004 Chinese for Commerce and Public Administration商業與公共行政中文 (3 credits)

Exclusive Majors

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Language, Literature and Communication

Chinese History and Culture

This minor aims to equip students with the essential knowledge of Chinese history and culture and prepare them to appreciate the present complexities in the light of past developments. It also encourages students to critically examine the contributions and limitations of Chinese history and culture and their relevance to contemporary society. 

Offering Faculty

Arts and Humanities

Credit units required


Core Courses

(9 credit units)

  • CHI3101 Chinese Thought and Modern Society中國思想與現代社會 (3 credits)
  • CHI3102 Social History of China 中國社會史 (3 credits)
  • CHI3103 Selected Readings in Chinese History史學名著選讀 (3 credits)

Elective Courses

(6 credit units)

Two of the following courses:

  • CHI1101 Introduction to Chinese Culture 中國文化導論 (3 credits)
  • CHI1102 Ancient Chinese History中國古代史 (3 credits)
  • CHI2101 Modern Chinese History 中國現代史 (3 credits)
  • CHI2102 Hong Kong History and Culture香港歷史與文化 (3 credits)

Exclusive Majors



This minor aims to provide students with the knowledge of the basic analytical tools in finance and applications of finance theories to practical problems in the financial markets. 

Offering Faculty


Credit units required


Core Courses



For FBU students

(6 credit units)

For non-FBU students

(12 credit units)

  • FBU1201 Economics (3 credits)



  • FIN2301 Financial Management (3 credits)


  • FIN3001 Mathematics for Economics and Finance (3 credits)



  • FIN3602 Legal Environment of Business and Financial Markets (3 credits)



Elective Courses



For FBU students, four of the following courses

(12 credit units)

For non-FBU students, two of the following courses

(6 credit units)

  • ACC1101 Financial Accounting I (3 credits)



  • FBU1101 Management (3 credits)


  • FBU1300 Business Statistics (3 credits)


  • FIN3100 Financial Technology and Innovation (3 credits)



  • FIN3102 Business Intelligence in Finance (3 credits)



  • FIN3201 Investment and Portfolio Management (3 credits)



  • FIN3300 Financial Systems and Institutions (3 credits)



  • FIN3304 Risk Management and Insurance (3 credits)



Exclusive Majors

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Finance
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Chinese Language, Literature and Communication
  • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Japanese Studies

* required 


This minor aims to develop and enhance students’ Japanese language proficiency and their awareness of social and cultural norms in Japanese society and businesses which will help build stronger working relationship and communicate more effectively with Japanese counterparts. 

Offering Faculty

Arts and Humanities

Credit units required


Core Courses

(15 credit units)

  • JAP1103 Japanese Listening and Oral Skills 1 (3 credits)
  • JAP2104 Japanese Listening and Oral Skills 2 (3 credits)
  • JAP3101 Japanese Reading and Writing 2 (3 credits)
  • JAP3201 Japanese Economy (3 credits)
  • JAP3202 Japanese Culture (3 credits)

Elective Courses

(3 credit units)

At least one of the following courses (Students who have no prior knowledge of Japanese are encouraged to take both of these two courses):

  • JAP1102 Integrated Japanese 1 (3 credits)
  • JAP2102 Japanese Reading and Writing 1 (3 credits)

Exclusive Majors

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Japanese Studies

Social Innovation

This minor enables students to analyze social issues with social science theories and concepts and tackle the issues from a social innovation approach. 

Offering Faculty

Social Science

Credit units required


Core Courses

(9 credit units)

  • SSS3011 Public Policy Analysis (3 credits)
  • SSS3012 Foundations of Social Innovation and Social Enterprise (3 credits)
  • SSS3013 Social Economy (3 credits)

Elective Courses

(6 credit units)

Two of the following courses:

  • SSS1011 Introduction to Political Studies (3 credits)
  • SSS1012 Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)
  • SSS1013 Understanding Human Needs (3 credits)
  • SSS2011 Economics of Public Affairs (3 credits)
  • SSS2012 Creativity and Problem Solving (3 credits)
  • SSS2013 Contemporary Social Issues in Hong Kong (3 credits)

Exclusive Majors

Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) in Social Innovation

Students intending to declare a minor but experiencing difficulties registering for a required course in the minor may make an application to the minor-offering faculty for using another relevant course to substitute the required course (which can be a core or elective course). Students may only submit at most two course substitution requests in a minor. 

If the required course is a D3 level course (i.e. the first digit of the course code is 3), the proposed substitute course must also be a D3 level course and is not restricted to students of the major. Students are encouraged to seek advice from the Leader responsible for the minor before making the application. 


Responsible Leader



Mr LIEW, Giew Leong Julian


Airline and airport studies

Mr CHAN, Pui Yuk Simon



Dr. CHAN, Yee Shun Abraham


Chinese History and Culture

Dr. CHAN, Yee Shun Abraham



Mr BUTT, Man Kit Toby



Dr MURAKAMI, Hitoshi


Social Innovation

Mr LEE, Kim Ming


Because the following courses are a prerequisite course of another required course in the minor, application for course substitution normally will be not approved.


Courses that cannot be substituted with another course


ACC1101 Financial Accounting

FBU1101 Management

ACC2101 Financial Accounting II


FBU1300 Business Statistics


JAP1103 Japanese Listening and Oral Skills 1

JAP2102 Japanese Reading and Writing 1

To apply, students must submit the “Application Form for Substitution of Minor Course” in their Year 3 or 4 of study, before the substitution course is taken or within the first week of the semester when the course is offered. The application should be submitted to the General Office of the minor-offering faculty. Late requests submitted after the first week of the semester will not be processed.

The minor-offering faculty will send an email to inform the applicant of the outcomes.

Students are eligible to declare a minor if they have successfully completed the courses required for the minor (or approved substitute courses). They can also declare the minor if they have already registered for the remaining required courses (or approved substitute courses) in the final semester of their study. 

To apply for graduation with Minor, students must submit the “Application Form for Declaration of Minor” in February of their final year of study to the College Office at Main Campus. Late applications will not be processed. 

Applicants will receive an email from the Academic Registry by mid-March to inform them of the outcome.