UOW College Hong Kong hosted a media gathering to announce the introduction of two high-quality Bachelor's degree programmes for the 2023–24 academic year. One of them is the Bachelor of Maritime Services and Operations Management (Hons) which will produce graduates to support the development of logistics and transport development in Hong Kong. The other one is the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Smart-City Technology and Urban Informatics which will produce graduates to match the Hong Kong SAR Government’s aim to build Hong Kong into a world class smart city.
Hong Kong possesses one of the highest ship registries in Asia and is one of the world's leading fleet management centers. With the PRC’s 14th Five-Year Plan's expectations for Hong Kong's maritime industry, there will be a strong demand for maritime professionals in the future. The industry foresees that there is a demand for manpower in various areas such as ship operation, ship insurance, maritime litigation, ship broking and finance, port and terminal management and pilotage, and maritime regulatory bodies. In offering the Bachelor of Maritime Services and Operations Management (Hons) degree, we are confident that we will provide a comprehensive range of talents for the maritime industry.
The Hong Kong SAR Government announced in December 2017 (Hong Kong Smart City Blueprint) 76 initiatives under six smart areas to harness innovative technologies to meet the challenges of urban management and improve people's lives. In offering the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Smart-City Technology and Urban Informatics (Hons), UOW College Hong Kong will produce talents in line with the Government's policy objective of building Hong Kong into a world-class smart city.
The above programmes have been approved by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) and have been included in the Non-means-tested Financial Assistance Scheme for Self-financing Degree Programmes in Hong Kong.
At the media gathering, the College also presented the findings of the Graduate Exit Survey of 2022. Nearly 80% of AD graduates went on to pursue further studies while 12% decided to join the job market. Among those AD graduates who chose to pursue further studies, about 45% gained entry to publicly-funded and 45% into self-financing degree programmes, 4% were admitted to non-local degree programmes. Among those who enrolled in government-funded degree programmes, about 30% went into City University of Hong Kong, 21% in PolyU, followed by Baptist University (11.50%), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (8.4%), The Hong Kong University of Education (9.9%), The University of Hong Kong (7.6%), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (7.6%) and Lingnan University (4.6%). The newspaper clippings are appended below:
伍倫貢學院 增創科 航運學士課程 - 東方日報 (on.cc)
8成畢業生再升學 伍倫貢學院將辦智慧城市及航運課程 - 晴報 - 港聞 - 新聞二條 - D230224 (ulifestyle.com.hk)
【自資院校】伍倫貢學院望提高內地生上限至3、4成 蔡耀權稱應擁抱ChatGPT - 香港經濟日報 - TOPick - 新聞 - 社會 - D230223 (hket.com)
教育要聞|伍倫貢畢業生疫下就業率跌 | 星島日報 (stheadline.com)
Media Gathering on 23rd February 2023