The College was the venue for the Time Bank Project Sharing & Closing Ceremony「織福 - 有伴」成果分享會 in early January 2025. The ceremony was the culmination of the UOW College Hong Kong’s collaboration with the HK Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Ltd in recent years.
Their Tseung Kwan O Elderly Service Building provides invaluable practical experiences to social work students at UOW College Hong Kong to engage with senior citizens and community members in the area. Students learnt how to apply community-based concepts and methods to effectively mobilize community resources to address localized needs, such as enhancing seniors’ ability including mobile digital stations, life story workshops, guided tours at Po Lam Duckling Hill. Seniors could earn time credits by providing mobile digital Apps training, guided tours or other services, which they could later exchange for needed services through the Time Bank platform. It was a valuable learning experience for UOWCHK students as they deepened and solidified classroom theories with skills in real-world settings.