Parents of prospective students had an info-filled afternoon during an organized tour of the College on 6 July. Ms Currie Tsang, UOWCHK President, welcomed the parents and introduced the historical development of the College and its association with the University of Wollongong. The rest of the afternoon consisted of sharing from the Student Counsellor on how to spot anxiety in youngsters, learning experience of current students and recent graduates, entry requirements for various levels of academic programmes and articulation pathways, and focused talks by Faculty Deans on their respective faculties. The visitors ended their day enjoying a facilities tour of the College. “We hope that through this visit and the useful information we gave, the parents can help their children make an informed decision of academic programmes that suit them at the College,” Ms Tsang said.
Audience on Parents Day
Ms Currie Tsang speaks at Parents Day
Students sharing session at Parents Day
Parents on tour of UOWCHK library