More than 100 students from 21 secondary schools spent two afternoons in late January attending workshops on Personal Finance Planning at UOW College Hong Kong (UOWCHK). The workshops were part of a two-week collaborative project by UOWCHK’s Faculty of Business (FBU) and the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA). As part of BGCA’s HSBC Young Financial Planners Programme, it requires students to suggest a financial plan for a mini case. To equip students with essential knowledge, FBU was invited to deliver a workshop to students, where the process of financial planning, as well as the basics of investment, risk, and retirement planning were introduced. The interactive classes delivered by our passionate and professional instructor led to a joyful and rewarding experience for the youngsters who learnt from real-world cases. UOW College Hong Kong and FBU are committed to delivering high-quality education and serving the community.