文學副學士 (專業英語傳意)
本課程自1994年起開辦,是香港歷史最悠久的副學士課程之一,超過2000名畢業生已成功繼續升學或投身工作。英語在香港仍然非常重要,尤其香港擁有作為中國的「國際化城市」及通向世界之門的地位。因此,勞動力市場上和社會對於能夠熟練運用英語的人才的需求非常殷切。本課程對傳意及英語訓練並重,加上數碼傳意及科技,旨在幫助學生發展技能以迎合21世紀的新趨勢。全面的課程內容也著重於培訓年輕人成為傳意技巧及英語能力兼備的人才,更好裝備學生未來進修及就業所需要的能力,包括書面和口語英語、溝通技巧(尤其是數碼和媒體傳意)、解難能力、創造力和知識探索。 本課程有超過90%的畢業生成功繼續入讀學士課程,其中超過50%的學生升讀由政府資助的學士課程的第三年。畢業生可以升讀大量由本地大學開設的英語或教育相關的學士課程,或升讀由澳洲伍倫貢大學開設的傳播與媒體學學士課程。畢業生可從事多種行業,包括公共關係、客戶關係、傳媒、編輯、人力資源管理、教學以及任何需要良好英語溝通技巧的行業工作。
Graduates of the AAEPC can articulate into UOW Bachelor of Communication and Media.
學院人文學院 |
課程編碼AAEPC |
校舍大圍校舍 |
香港資歷架構級別4 |
課程年期2 years
學分63 學分
頒授類型Associate Degree
資歷名冊編號及有效期17/000285/L4 |
- 直接存入或自動轉賬到恆生銀行戶口 (銀行代碼:024) (戶口號碼︰359-300001-004) 或
- 前往學院以八達通繳付
HK$1,950 每學分 x 63 學分 (修畢課程所需學分)
= HK$122,850
HK$2,650 每學分 x 38 社會工作課程學分 +
HK$1,950 每學分 x 21 通識課程學分 +
HK$2,610 每學分 x 15 實習課程學分
= HK$180,800
查詢: 2152 9000
網址: 專上學生資助計劃網址
查詢: 2150 6222
網址: 專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃網址
Programme structure and outcomes
- 掌握流利的專業及學術英語,有利學生升學、就業,掌握終生學習技能;
- 分析並運用不同類型文本的主要意念、關鍵概念和論據;
- 應用數碼媒體知識,向不同類型的受衆有效地傳達訊息;
- 研究和從批判角度探討傳意及語言中的理論和課題;
- 將人文、藝術、科學和科技、社會及組織的主要概念聯繫到專業及學術英語傳意的學習領域中。
English Language
- Advanced English Reading and Writing
- Advanced English Listening and Speaking
- Introduction to Linguistics
- English for Professional Purposes
- Creative Writing and English
- Exploring Arguments in English
Communication Skills
- The Art of Speaking
- Persuasive Communication
- Communicating Across Cultures
- Mass Media in the 21st Century
- Fundamentals of Communication
- Corporate Image Building
- Communication Project
Digital Literacy
- Digital communication and Applications
- Innovative Digital Communication
Culture & Literature
- Exploring Culture through Literature
- Modernist Literature
Course Code |
Course Name |
Programme Core |
LAC13700 |
Fundamentals of Communication |
LAC13705 |
English in the Corporate Context |
LAC13709 |
Introduction to English Linguistics |
LAC13710 |
Digital Communication and Applications |
LAC22445 |
Mass Media in 21st Century |
LAC23702 |
Communication Project |
LAC23703 |
Communicating across Cultures |
LAC23708 |
Exploring Arguments in English |
LAC23722 |
Creative Writing in English |
LAC23723 |
English for Professional Purposes |
LAC24723 |
Persuasive Communication |
LAC24724 |
The Art of Speaking |
Programme Electives (Select 2) |
LAC13704 |
Corporate Image Building |
LAC14722 |
Exploring Culture through Literature |
LAC23721 |
Innovative Digital Communication |
LAC24726 |
20th Century Modernist Fiction |
Language Skills |
LAC13706 |
Advanced English Reading and Writing |
LAC13708 |
Advanced English Listening and Speaking |
CGE1200 |
Practical Chinese |
CGE1800* |
Introduction to Spanish Language and Culture |
CGE1900* |
Introduction to French Language and Culture |
General Education |
CGE10413 |
Hong Kong Society |
CGE2316 |
Environment and Technology |
CGE26515 |
Understanding Contemporary China |
LAC24809 |
Social and Cultural Issues in East Asia |
*ONLY for non-Chinese literate to choose
University of Wollongong |
Bachelor of Communication and Media |
City University of Hong Kong |
Bachelor of Arts in English Studies |
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistic and Language Applications |
Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication |
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and Literature |
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) - Journalism Major |
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Public Relations and Advertising |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English for Business and Professional Communication |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Studies for the Professions |
Lingnan University |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Bachelor of Arts in English |
The Education University of Hong Kong |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies |
Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) |
Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) - Primary |
Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) – Secondary |
The University of Hong Kong |
Bachelor of Arts |
Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature |
Bachelor of Arts in Language and Communication |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education (Chinese) /(English) |
Any enquiry relating to the AAEPC programme should be directed to the Programme Leader, Mr Victor Simon Leslie KING.
文學副學士(專業英語傳意) 2013
專業英語研究(榮譽)文學士課程, 香港理工大學 2015
學位教師教育文憑課程(小學), 香港教育學院(即現時香港教育大學 )2016
電話: (852) 2707 3113
傳真: (852) 2707 3114
電郵: uowchk-fah@uow.edu.au
地址: 香港新界大圍車公廟路18號
香港伍倫貢學院 (港鐵大圍站B出口) 3 樓
電話: (852) 2707 3111
傳真: (852) 2707 9440
電郵: uowchk-main@uow.edu.au
地址: 香港新界大圍車公廟路18號1樓
香港伍倫貢學院 (港鐵大圍站B出口)