文學副學士 (應用中文)
學院人文學院 |
課程編碼AAACS |
校舍大圍校舍 |
香港資歷架構級別4 |
課程年期2 years
學分63 學分
頒授類型Associate Degree
資歷名冊編號及有效期17/000281/L4 |
- 直接存入或自動轉賬到恆生銀行戶口 (銀行代碼:024) (戶口號碼︰359-300001-004) 或
- 前往學院以八達通繳付
HK$1,900 每學分 x 63 學分 (修畢課程所需學分)
= HK$119,700
社會科學副學士 (社會工作)
HK$2,600 每學分 x 38 社會工作課程學分 +
HK$1,900 每學分 x 21 通識課程學分 +
HK$2,500 每學分 x 15 實習課程學分
= HK$176,200
查詢: 2152 9000
網址: 專上學生資助計劃網址
查詢: 2150 6222
網址: 專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃網址
- 掌握高水平的中文能力,配合升學,在生活、學習、就業範疇中發揮所長;
- 了解中國文學、中國歷史、中國思想的核心價值和文化意義,以及彼此的內在關聯;
- 掌握中國語文的文法結構、資源,應用於學術及專業範疇中;
- 具備良好的普通話和英語水平,有效達致專業溝通的目的;
- 提高洞悉、分析問題的能力,掌握蒐集資料的技巧;在老師指導下,展開獨立或群體合作的研究工作,以負責任的態度擬訂解決問題的方法;
- 運用資訊科技的知識及技術,從而掌握不同的溝通模式。
- Chinese for Professional Communication
- Chinese Literature
- Creative Writing
- Chinese Linguistics
- Chinese Culture and Philosophy
- Chinese History
- Hong Kong History and Heritage
- Putonghua
To qualify for this award, a candidate shall accrue an aggregate of at least 63 credit points by satisfactory completion of the following core courses.
Course Code |
Course Name |
Programme Core |
LAC12241 |
Classical Chinese Literature |
LAC12243 |
Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature |
LAC12521 |
Communication in Putonghua |
LAC14200 |
Introduction to the Chinese Language |
LAC14230 |
Introduction to Chinese History |
LAC14231 |
Chinese Culture and Contemporary World |
LAC22252 |
Chinese and Western Philosophy |
LAC22521 |
Advanced Putonghua |
LAC24202 |
Creative Writing |
LAC24206 |
Chinese Multimedia Publishing |
LAC24221 |
Modern Standard Chinese |
LAC24230 |
Chinese Literary Criticism |
Programme Electives (Select one of the following options) (9CPs) |
Option 1 (Professional Chinese): LAC22231 LAC22233 LAC22235 |
Chinese for Public Administration Chinese for Business and Commerce Chinese for Mass Media |
Option 2 (Chinese History): LAC24231 LAC24233 LAC24235 |
Hong Kong History and Heritage Chinese Historical Research Methods Social History of China |
Language Skills |
CGE1000/CGE1500 |
English for Academic Studies A or B |
CGE1200 |
Practical Chinese |
CGE2000 |
English Professional Communication Skills |
General Education |
CGE10413 |
Hong Kong Society |
CGE26515 |
Contemporary China |
CGE23218 |
Climate Change: Threats, Mitigation and Adaptation |
UOW College Hong Kong |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese Language, Literature and Communication |
City University of Hong Kong |
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and History |
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Language Applications |
Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication |
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Asian and International Studies |
Hong Kong Baptist University |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese Language and Literature |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History |
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in China Studies |
Lingnan University |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Cultural Studies |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language and Literature |
Bachelor of Arts in History |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Chinese Language Education) |
The Education University of Hong Kong |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language |
Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Chinese Language) |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Bilingual Interdisciplinary Chinese Studies |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese and Bilingual Studies |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language and Speech Sciences |
The University of Hong Kong |
Bachelor of Arts |
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese |
Any enquiry relating to the AAACS programme should be directed to the Programme Leader, Dr Abraham Chan.
文學副學士(應用中文) 2020
文學士, 香港大學 2022
哲學碩士, 香港大學 2022 入讀
電話: (852) 2707 3113
傳真: (852) 2707 3114
電郵: uowchk-fah@uow.edu.au
地址: 香港新界大圍車公廟路18號
香港伍倫貢學院 (港鐵大圍站B出口) 3 樓
電話: (852) 2707 3111
傳真: (852) 2707 9440
電郵: uowchk-main@uow.edu.au
地址: 香港新界大圍車公廟路18號1樓
香港伍倫貢學院 (港鐵大圍站B出口)
Continuing Education Fund 持續進修基金 (CEF)
The programme or some courses in the programme have been included in the list of reimbursable courses under CEF.
The programme is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 4).