- Positive Psychology
- 18 Best Time Management Apps and Tools
- Supporting a Colleague Who May Have Mental Health Concerns
- Helping Your Loved One Lift the Stigma of Mental Illness
- Heart Smarts: Quick Tips to Stay Heart Healthy
The more developed a society, the more intense feelings of loss and unhappiness within an individual. Developed society like the United States, rates of depression are ten times higher today than they were in the 1960’s. The average age for onset of depression also turns much younger. So, what can we do to make ourselves happier? This is one of the reasons why “Positive Psychology” is receiving more and more attention in the recent years.
No one can dispute the countless benefits technology has brought us. Undoubtedly, it has allowed us to connect, perform, improve, and leverage our resources beyond what was once imaginable.
If you’re not taking advantage of some of the hundreds of time management apps and tools out there, you’re definitely missing a trick.
It can be hard to know whether a colleague’s troubling behaviour is just a result of a difficult emotional phase or a signal of mental illness. Stigma can also make talking about these issues difficult. But turning a blind eye to a mental health concern could deprive someone you know of the support and care they might need.
It’s difficult for anyone to deal with mental illness alone. A supportive network made up of family members, friends, co-workers, medical professionals and community agencies is essential for everyone involved.
The jury is in and the statistics about heart disease are certainly a cause for concern: The good news is your risk for developing heart disease can be, in many cases, greatly reduced by keeping a finger on the pulse of some simple preventive steps, and practising heart smarts.