

According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, Plagiarism is “the process or practice of using another person’s ideas or work and pretending that it is your own”.

Plagiarism is an ethical issue which related to the academic Integrity and the College has zero tolerance. You should always avoiding plagiarism becase it may result in lost financial aid or leadership roles, even cost your future career advancement.

To avoid plagiarism, you should:

  1. Cite your source

-          take careful notes so that they know where they got the information

-          keep track of all the sources they have used for the work

2.       Paraphrase or quote from your sources

3.       Present your own idea

4.       Consult lecturers if they are in any doubt about anything

  • Use a plagiarism checker before you submit.


Plagiarism checking tool (Turnitin)

For the guideline of Turnitin, please click here

For more information, please refer to referencing & Citing page