Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE)

Registration for the DELE examinations in May 2025 will open on February 10, with the deadline for registration being April 9.

The Diplomas de Español (DELE), issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education, Social Policies and Sport, are official qualifications proving different levels of competence in the Spanish language.

Types of DELE diplomas

DELE Diploma in Spanish

Framework of Reference


Diploma in Spanish Level A1



Diploma in Spanish Level A2



Diploma in Spanish Level B1



Diploma in Spanish Level B2



Diploma in Spanish Level C1


Effective Operational Proficiency

Diploma in Spanish Level C2



The University of Salamanca collaborates with the Instituto Cervantes in the development of the examinations and in the marking of the examination papers.

The examination for obtaining the DELEs (A1, A1 Young Learners, A2, A2/B1 Young Learners, B1, A2/B, B2, C1 and C2) consists of different tests: reading comprehension, written expression, listening comprehension and oral expression. The grade "no apto" (unsatisfactory) in one of the sections will imply the candidate's failure in the entire examination. All parts should be retaken at a future date.

Sample examination paper and past papers

For candidates registering for levels C1 and C2, please notice that there are changes in the exam format. Please review the sample examination paper carefully.



Examination Date and Registration fee


A1 escolar, A2/B1 escolar

Date for the Written Exam: Friday, May 23, 2025

Date for Oral Interview: Friday, May 23, 2025


A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 

Date for the Written Exam: Saturday, May 24, 2025

Date for the Oral Interview: To be confirmed

Dates for the Oral Interview: Our Examination Center will try to schedule all the oral interviews on the same date of the written exam. However, if our Examination Center deems it necessary, oral interviews for candidates registered for levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 may be scheduled on Friday, May 23, 2025.  More information will be announced in due course.

Venue: UOW College Hong Kong, 18 Che Kung Miu Road, Tai Wai, New Territories, (accessible via MTR Tai Wai Station Exit B)

Schedule: To be confirmed by our Examination Center


Deadline to register and upload all supporting documents: Wednesday, April 9, 12 noon. No late registration will be accepted.



Individual application

Discount Rate

May 23, 2025 (Friday)

DELE A1 Escolar
(Starter Young Learners)



DELE A2/B1 Escolar (Elementary/Lower Intermediate Young Learners)



May 24, 2025 (Saturday)

DELE A1 (Starter)



DELE A2 (Elementary)



DELE B1 (Lower Intermediate)



DELE B2 (Higher Intermediate)



DELE C1 (Advanced)



DELE C2 (Superior / Proficiency)



* The discount rates above are available for UOWCHK current students / staff, groups (minimum 10 students), and SPANISH WORLD students.

Please fill in and submit this supplementary DELE Discount Form together with your registration form if apply with discount.


Step 1.

Online registration; one email address for one applicant.

All supporting documents need to be uploaded before submission.

Registration Form: https://forms.gle/5LWW8Xen6SjQ4FiR9

Step 2.

After receiving your registration form, HKID and proof of payment, we will register you in the DELE system.

You will receive an automatic confirmation from Instituto Cervantes by email around April 11, 2025.

(Please contact us in case you do not receive this email)

Step 3.

Examination tickets, schedules and acknowledgement receipt will be emailed from our office.

(Please contact us in case you have not received these documents ONE WEEK before the examination date. You will need these documents to access the examination venue)

Changes of Personal Information

Please review your personal information when you receive the confirmation email from Instituto Cervantes around April 11, 2025. In case there is any personal information wrong, you need to fill out DELE Correction Form and submit it to us as soon as possible.

If you need to change personal information after the exam or in the future, you can do it directly through the DELE portal following this link.

Privacy and Data Protection

In accordance with current data protection legislation, we inform you that any personal data you provide will be the responsibility of INSTITUTO CERVANTES, which is headquartered at Calle de Alcalá 49, 28014, Madrid, Spain.

You can contact our Data Protection Officer via dpd@cervantes.es. Data will be processed for the purposes of managing your registration and carrying out all processes related to the examinations. Therefore, INSTITUTO CERVANTES will process your personal data based on compliance with legal obligations and to carry out the services you request. 

As part of the examination process and for the purpose of ensuring quality measures, fraud prevention and management of complaints, INSTITUTO CERVANTES may capture images, videos, sounds and voices of candidates, either systematically or randomly. 

In any case, this information will be captured respecting the interested party’s right to intimacy and image rights. INSTITUTO CERVANTES reserves any intellectual or industrial property rights related to the capture of, use of and benefit from such information. 

Your personal data will not be communicated to third parties unless required by law and will be stored for the period of time necessary to meet the indicated purpose. When it is necessary to carry out international data transfers, they will be conducted following the guarantees established in current legislation.

You can exercise your rights recognised in current legislation via email to rgpd@cervantes.es, via post to INSTITUTO CERVANTES (at the address Calle de Alcalá 49, 28014, Madrid, Spain) or in person at INSTITUTO CERVANTES’s registered offices in Madrid at the indicated address. Further information regarding INSTITUTO CERVANTES’s privacy policy and data protection is available at https://www.cervantes.es/aviso_legal.htm.


  1. Please read all the conditions in the Registration Form.
  2. Please complete all the spaces on the Registration Form. We will use this information to contact you and to inform you about the instructions for the examination, results, etc. Please include your e-mail address.
  3. Please write the date and sign the registration form. For candidates under 18, a parent/guardian needs to sign the form.
  4. If you change your address, before or after the examination, please contact your examination site.
  5. In case you are applying for a discount, please fill out DELE Discount Form
  6. In case you need to cancel your registration, you have 14 days after the date of your registration form to do so, and be eligible for 100% refund.
  7. All the registration will be entered in the Instituto Cervantes System after the deadline on April 9, upon successful receipt of your application form and other supporting documents. Please contact us if you do not receive any document sent from the Instituto Cervantes system by April 11, 2025.
  8. In the unlikely event of insufficient enrolment for DELE, UOWCHK reserves the right not to offer it.
  9. If due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control we need to cancel the exams, we will notify candidates as soon as possible.

About results and certificate collection

Instituto Cervantes usually will release the results and the digital certificates thru their DELE portal 3 months after the exam’s date. All candidates will receive an email from them when the results are released and the certificate is uploaded to the DELE portal.

HKDSE Category C Subject: Spanish Language

The Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) is arranged to be the stipulated official language examinations for Category C subjects of 2025 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) and onwards.

Students who would like to take the Spanish language as a Category C subject must take the DELE examination in level A2 or above within the two years preceding the HKDSE they sit.  If a candidate takes the language examinations more than once at the same or different levels, only the highest level and result attained will be reported under the HKDSE Category C subjects.

Candidates will need to register in the HKDSE and report their results directly to Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA). Please visit the website of Education Bureau (EDB) for details:

DELE Mock Exams

This is an examination practice for the DELE which includes:

  • All tasks for the written exam (reading, listening and writing)
  • Individual oral interview
  • Individual feedback from a certified DELE examiner

Deadline to register and upload all supporting documents: Friday, April 25. No late registration will be accepted.


Individual Application

Discount Rate*


Schedule Written Exam

Oral Interview (including preparation time)




Saturday, May 17


20 minutes




Saturday, May 10


24 minutes




Friday, May 9


30 minutes




Friday, May 16


40 minutes

DELE A1 Escolar



Saturday, May 10


20 minutes

DELE A2/B1 Escolar



Saturday, May 3

9:30-12: 20

30 minutes

* The discount rates above are available for UOWCHK current students / staff, applicants who registered our DELE for May 2025.

Application for Mock Exams

Please complete the online application form from the following link:

Note: No refunds unless the Mock Exams are cancelled or full

For any additional information about DELE mock exams, please contact our DELE Exams Coordinator: Maria Jose PAREJA LOPEZ, mjplopez@uow.edu.au

DELE enquiries

Office Address:
3/F, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, UOW College Hong Kong
18 Che Kung Miu Road, Tai Wai
New Territories, Hong Kong (accessible via MTR Tai Wai Station Exit B)

Office hour: 
Mon – Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; 1:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Sat: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (Close on Sunday and Public Holiday)

Email: uowchk-dele@uow.edu.au

Enquiry Lines (Phone/WhatsApp): 2707 3113