Higher Diploma in Creative Media Production

Creative Media Production Programme

The programme aims to equip students with the creativity, aesthetic senses and technical skills to meet the demands of employers in the creative industry and media production. It also provides students with insight and understanding into the diversity of the roles in media production and helps students recognize the importance of communication and collaboration at all levels. The strong focus on practical learning offers students exceptional opportunities for employment.

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Faculty Science and Technology
Programme Higher Diploma in Creative Media Production
Programme code HDCMP
Campus Tai Wai
QF level 4
Duration 2 years
Credit units 63 CUs
Award type Higher Diploma
QR Ref/
Validity period
01/09/2020 - 31/08/2027

This programme is accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications.


Programme Leaflet of the HDCMP programme in 2024-25


For enquiries, please contact Faculty of Science and Technology (Telephone No: 2707 3232 or Email: uowchk-fst@uow.edu.au).

Applications can be submitted by the following methods:

Online Application
UOWCHK Admission Application Portal
(for all applicants with DSE/ NON-DSE / other qualifications, or mature applicants)

Electronic Advance Application System for Post-secondary Programmes (E-APP)
(for HKDSE 2024/25 only)

By Post / In Person (Application Form)

 Click here for more information on admissions procedures.

No programme specific entry requirement.  Please refer to General entry requirements


Application Fee


Application fee is payable when applicants are invited for interviews.  Application fee can be paid by the following methods:
  1. By direct deposit at any branch of the Hang Seng Bank or ATM transfer (Bank Code: 024) (A/C number: 359-300001-004)
  2. OR
  3. By Octopus Card at the College Office

Tuition Fee

Associate Degree Programmes

HK$1,950 per credit x
63 Credits required for Programme Completion
= HK$122,850

Higher Diploma in Social Work

HK$2,650 per credit x 38 social work courses credit +
HK$1,950 per credit x 21 general Education credit +
HK$2,610 per credit x 15 fieldwork placement credit
= HK$180,800

Other Fees

A Graduation Fee of $400 will be charged upon enrolment in a programme.

Financial Assistance

Students enrolled in self-financing Bachelor/Associate Degree /Higher Diploma programmes are eligible to apply for financial assistance from the following sources:

  • Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (FASP)

Provides means-tested financial assistance to needy full-time students pursuing locally-accredited, self-financing post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree. The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to needy students so that no eligible students will be denied access to post-secondary education because of lack of means.

Enquiries:       2152 9000
Website:  https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/en/postsecondary/fasp/overview.htm

  • Non-means Tested Loan Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (NLSPS)

The NLSPS is used to complement the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) to provide loan(s) to eligible students to settle tuition fees of locally-accredited, self-financing full-time post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree.

Enquiries:        2150 6222
Website:          http://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/eng/schemes/nls3.htm

  •  Continuing Education Fund (CEF)

Some of the AD programmes or course(s) in the AD programmes are included in the list of reimbursable courses for CEF purposes.

The CEF subsidizes students with learning aspirations to pursue continuing education and training courses without age limit. Eligible applicants enrolling on courses after 1 August 2022 will be reimbursed 80% of their fees on the first $10,000 and 60% on the second $15,000, subject to a maximum sum of HK$25,000 (whichever is the less), upon successful completion of a reimbursable programme/course(s).

Prior to 1 August 2022, the following condition will apply:

The CEF subsidizes students over 18 years of age with learning aspirations to pursue continuing education and training courses. Eligible applicants enrolling on courses between 1 April 2019 and 31 July 2022 will be reimbursed 80% of their fees on the first $10,000 and 60% on the second $10,000, subject to a maximum sum of HK$20,000 (whichever is the less), upon successful completion of a reimbursable programme/course(s).

Enquiries:        3142 2277
Website:          https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef/en/index.htm

Programme structure and outcomes


Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what the learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do upon completion of a course. Students graduating from this programme will be able to:

PILO Description
1. Apply the knowledge of production processes and technical skills used in media and communication and utilize necessary skills to support creative production.
2. Formulate plans in the development and delivery of media-based outcomes, reflecting the exercise of creativity, aesthetics and technical skills in the process.
3. Propose creative solutions in media projects and communicate the ideas effectively to diverse audiences.
4. Evaluate decisions made on creative and interactive media products in the light of environmental, social, economic and cultural dimensions.
5. Contribute responsibly to media production projects as an effective team member.


  • Creative Thinking
  • Media Design
  • Application and Mobile Programming
  • Video Production and Computer Effects
  • Photography
  • Computer Graphics and Animations
  • Multimedia and Internet computing

Programme study flow

Programme structure

To qualify for this award, a candidate shall accrue an aggregate of at least 63 credit units by satisfactory completion of the following core courses.

Course Code Course Name
Programme Core (42CUs)
AST10701 Creativity and Creative Thinking
AST10702 Digital Media Design Fundamentals
AST10703  Introduction to Media Production
AST10962  Introduction to the Web
AST20504 3D Modeling and Visualization
AST20702 Visual Effects of Audio Production 
AST20703 Practical Video Production
AST20706 Digital Photography
AST20707 Creative Electronics
AST20715 Internship (Summer semester) 
AST20963 Interactive Media Design
AST21104 User Experience and User Interface
AST24901 Global Image Building and Awareness
Programme Core Electives (6CUs)
Select any one:

Media Project  or
3D Amination

Select any one:
AST20709 or

Game Development or
Introduction to Storytelling

Language & Generic Skills (18CUs)
CGE1000* / CGE1500 English for Academic Studies A / B
CGE1200** Practical Chinese
CGE2003 English Professional Communication Skills for Technology
CGE10413 Hong Kong Society
CGE13220 Programming for Everyone
CGE26515 Understanding Contemporary China

Please visit the General Education page for more details.

*   Students whose DSE score of English Language is below 3 are required to complete this course
** Students who are non-Chinese literate can take a course among the core General Education courses in lieu of CGE1200 Practical Chinese at the recommendation of Programme Leaders and approval by the Chairman of Academic Board

# CGE1800 / CGE1900 Introduction to Spanish / French for non-Chinese speaking students only


The table below is not exhaustive and only aims to show some examples of the bachelor's degree programmes offered by UGC-funded institutions and University of Wollongong, Australia which have admitted our past graduates. Our graduates also articulate to various overseas degree programmes offered in Hong Kong.

University of Wollongong, Australia

UOW College Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong

  • Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media
  • Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting
  • Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication
  • Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media
  • Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Creative Media

Hong Kong Baptist University

  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative and Professional Writing
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film and Television
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) in Acting for Global Screen

The Education University of Hong Kong

  • Bachelor of Education (Honours)(Secondary) Programme – Information and Communication Technology Major
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Music)
    (co-terminal double degree)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts)
    (co-terminal double degree)

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Scheme in Design (Advertising Design / Environmental Design / Information Design / Interaction Design / Interior Design / Media Design / Product Design / Service Design / Social Design)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Marketing
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

The University of Hong Kong

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Management


Graduates from this programme can find employment related to Cultural and Creative Industries. Graduates will qualify for a wide range of positions in the creative industry which include creative front-end developer, creative design assistant, creative graphic designer, creative strategist and social media specialist.