Scholarships and awards


Our students have been able to win scholarships and awards from the Government and other external organizations on their own merits.  Apart from the Government and donor organizations, the College has made available numerous awards and scholarships to reward students who have excelled in academic and non-academic areas.

Scholarships and awards

Scholarships and Awards Regulations Nomination/ Application Forms
UOW College Hong Kong Academic Performance Scholarships 2024/25
(香港伍倫貢學院學術成績卓越獎 2024/25)

[UOW College Hong Kong Academic Performance Scholarships_2024/25_Regulation]

[Scholarship and Prize Nomination Form]

[Additional Information Sheet]

[Declaration Form]

UOW College Hong Kong Outstanding Competitive Event Awards 2024/25
(香港伍倫貢學院公開賽卓越成績獎 2024/25)

[UOW College Hong Kong Outstanding Competitive Event Awards_2024/25_Regulation]

[Scholarship and Prize Nomination Form]

[Additional Information Sheet]

[Declaration Form]

UOW College Hong Kong DAE Outstanding Performance Scholarships

[UOW College Hong Kong DAE Outstanding Performance Scholarships_Regulation]

Eligible candidates will be nominated by the programme leader of DAE.

UOW College Hong Kong DIGS Outstanding Performance Scholarship [UOW College Hong Kong DIGS Outstanding Performance Scholarships_Regulation]

Eligible candidates will be nominated by the programme leader of DIGS.

EDB Outstanding Performance Scholarship 2024/25

[EDB Scholarship_2024/25_Sub-degree_Regulation]

[EDB Scholarship_2024/25_Top-up_Regulation]

[EDB Scholarship_2024/25_Bachelor-degree_Regulation]

[Outstanding Performance Scholarship (OPS) Nomination Form 2024-25]

[Talent Development Scholarships (TDS) Nomination Form 2024-25]

[Endeavour Scholarships (EDS) Nomination Form 2024-25]

[Reaching Out Awards (ROA) Nomination Form 2024-25]


[Declaration Form]

*Best Progress Awards (BPA) is not available for self nomination.

EDB Best Progress Awards 2024/25
EDB Talent Development Scholarships 2024/25
EDB Endeavour Scholarships 2024/25
EDB Reaching Out Awards 2024/25

HSBC Vocational Education Scholarships 2024/25

[HSBC Vocational Education Scholarships 2024/25_Regulation]

Application Form

Harry Li Memorial Outstanding Social Work Student Award 2024/25

[Harry Li Memorial Outstanding Social Work Student Award_regulation_20242025]

[Form A]

[Form B]

[Declaration Form]

YANIV Outstanding Social Work Student Award

[YANIV Outstanding Social Work Student Award_regulation_20242025]

[Form A]

[Form B]

[Declaration Form]

Scholarships for Students with Special Educational Needs 2024/25

[Scholarships for Students with SEN_2024/25_Regulation]

[Scholarship and Prize Nomination Form]

[Additional Information Sheet]

[Declaration Form]

Shun Hing Electronic Trading Scholarship 2024/25
(信興電器貿易獎學金 2024/25)

[Shun Hing Electronic Trading Scholarship_2024/25_Regulation]

[Scholarship and Prize Nomination Form]

[Additional Information Sheet]

[Declaration Form]

Young Chung Yee Memorial Scholarship 2024/25
(楊仲儀紀念獎學金 2024/25)

[Young Chung Yee Memorial Scholarship_2024/25_Regulation]

Please contact your own Faculty

*Information of scholarships/awards in 2024/25 will be updated from time to time