Fees and financial assistance

As a student you will be required to pay course fees throughout your studies. Your fees will depend on your student type.

Bachelor Degree


Application Fee


Application fee is payable when applicants are invited for interviews.  Application fee can be paid by the following methods:
  1. By direct deposit at any branch of the Hang Seng Bank or ATM transfer (Bank Code: 024) (A/C number: 359-300001-004)
  2. OR
  3. By Octopus Card at the College Office

Tuition Fee: (not applicable to Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in Social Work (Part-time) )^

  • Year 1 and 2 Tuition Fee: HK$71,670 per year
  • Year 3 and 4 Tuition Fee: HK$77,790 per year

*Our bachelor degree programmes are included under the Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong (NMTSS). Eligible students can obtain an annual subsidy up to HK$34,390 in the 2024/25 academic year.  The annual subsidy may be adjusted each academic year by the Education Bureau.  Please visit www.cspe.edu.hk/nmtss for details. 

Our Bachelor of Aviation (Honours) in Operations and Management and Bachelor of Maritime Services and Operations Management (Honours) are covered by the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) with an annual subsidy up to HK$46,780 per student for 2025/26 cohort. More information please visit https://www.cspe.edu.hk/en/sssdp.

^Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in Social Work (Part-time)

Tuition Fee for 3 years: HK$205,320

Other Fees:

A Graduation Fee of $400 will be charged upon enrolment in a programme.

# The estimated composite tuition/programme fees listed above are for reference only. Tuition fees are charged according to the number of course credits taken by a student with variation. A student will normally take 30 credits in an academic year.

Financial Assistance

Students enrolled in self-financing Bachelor/Associate Degree /Higher Diploma programmes are eligible to apply for financial assistance from the following sources:

  • Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (FASP)

Provides means-tested financial assistance to needy full-time students pursuing locally-accredited, self-financing post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree. The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to needy students so that no eligible students will be denied access to post-secondary education because of lack of means.

Enquiries: 2152 9000
Website:  https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/en/postsecondary/fasp/overview.htm

  •  Non-means Tested Loan Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (NLSPS)

The NLSPS is used to complement the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) to provide loan(s) to eligible students to settle tuition fees of locally-accredited, self-financing full-time post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree

Enquiries:        2150 6222
Website:          http://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/eng/schemes/nls3.htm


Top-up Degrees


Total Tuition Fee

Students are required to pay the fees listed below upon admission:


Tuition Fee (whole program), payable in 3 installments *

*Tuition Fee local with NMTSS, payable in 3 installments *

Administration Fee

Bachelor of Computer Science




Bachelor of Communication and Media






UOW College Hong Kong has registered under Cap 320 and is now an Approved Post Secondary College in Hong Kong under the Ordinance. Qualified local students of our College enrolled in the UOW top-up degree will be eligible for the Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong (NMTSS). In the 2025/26 academic year, students can obtain an annual subsidy up to HK$35,120. The amount for the 2025/26 cohort will be subject to review with reference to the CCPI in Hong Kong. For details, please check on the website located at www.cspe.edu.hk/en/nmt

Students enrolled in these programs may also apply for the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (FASP) and Non-means Tested Loan Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (NLSPS).

Associate Degrees & Higher Diplomas


Application Fee


Application fee is payable when applicants are invited for interviews.  Application fee can be paid by the following methods:
  1. By direct deposit at any branch of the Hang Seng Bank or ATM transfer (Bank Code: 024) (A/C number: 359-300001-004)
  2. OR
  3. By Octopus Card at the College Office

Tuition Fee

Associate Degree Programmes

HK$1,950 per credit x
63 Credits required for Programme Completion
= HK$122,850

Higher Diploma in Social Work

HK$2,650 per credit x 38 social work courses credit +
HK$1,950 per credit x 21 general Education credit +
HK$2,610 per credit x 15 fieldwork placement credit
= HK$180,800

Other Fees

A Graduation Fee of $400 will be charged upon enrolment in a programme.

Financial Assistance

Students enrolled in self-financing Bachelor/Associate Degree /Higher Diploma programmes are eligible to apply for financial assistance from the following sources:

  • Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (FASP)

Provides means-tested financial assistance to needy full-time students pursuing locally-accredited, self-financing post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree. The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to needy students so that no eligible students will be denied access to post-secondary education because of lack of means.

Enquiries:       2152 9000
Website:  https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/en/postsecondary/fasp/overview.htm

  • Non-means Tested Loan Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (NLSPS)

The NLSPS is used to complement the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) to provide loan(s) to eligible students to settle tuition fees of locally-accredited, self-financing full-time post-secondary education programmes at the level of associate degree, higher diploma or degree.

Enquiries:        2150 6222
Website:          http://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/eng/schemes/nls3.htm

  •  Continuing Education Fund (CEF)

Some of the AD programmes or course(s) in the AD programmes are included in the list of reimbursable courses for CEF purposes.

The CEF subsidizes students with learning aspirations to pursue continuing education and training courses without age limit. Eligible applicants enrolling on courses after 1 August 2022 will be reimbursed 80% of their fees on the first $10,000 and 60% on the second $15,000, subject to a maximum sum of HK$25,000 (whichever is the less), upon successful completion of a reimbursable programme/course(s).

Prior to 1 August 2022, the following condition will apply:

The CEF subsidizes students over 18 years of age with learning aspirations to pursue continuing education and training courses. Eligible applicants enrolling on courses between 1 April 2019 and 31 July 2022 will be reimbursed 80% of their fees on the first $10,000 and 60% on the second $10,000, subject to a maximum sum of HK$20,000 (whichever is the less), upon successful completion of a reimbursable programme/course(s).

Enquiries:        3142 2277
Website:          https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef/en/index.htm

Diploma in General Studies


Application Fee


Application fee is payable when applicants are invited for interviews.  Application fee can be paid by the following methods:
  1. By direct deposit at any branch of the Hang Seng Bank or ATM transfer (Bank Code: 024) (A/C number: 359-300001-004)
  2. OR
  3. By Octopus Card at the College Office

Tuition Fee

All students are required to complete eleven courses (3 credit units each) in TWO semesters (one academic year or maximum two years) to be awarded the Diploma in General Studies. Total tuition fees are HK$42,900.

Other Fees

A Graduation Fee of $400 will be charged upon enrolment in a programme.

Financial Assistance

Students enrolled in the Diploma in General Studies programme are eligible to apply for financial assistance from the following source:

  • Extended Non-Means Tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)

Provides financial assistance in the form of loan(s) to eligible students to settle tuition fees of specific post-secondary / continuing and professional education courses studied in Hong Kong

Enquiries:        2150 6223
Website:          https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/en/postsecondary/enls/overview.htm


Diploma of Applied Education (Chinese Only)







合資格學員凡成功修畢一個科目(即出席率達80%及整體評核及格),均可獲政府發還有關科目的三成學費。如學員通過學生資助處的入息審查,更可就成功修畢的科目獲全額或半額學費發還。有關學費發還,請致電2802 2345。


擴展的免入息審查貸款計劃 (查詢電話: 2150 6223)

專上學生車船津貼 (查詢電話: 2802 2345)

上網費津貼計劃 (查詢電話: 2802 2345)


Scholarships and awards

Scholarships and Awards Regulations Nomination/ Application Forms
UOW College Hong Kong Academic Performance Scholarships 2024/25
(香港伍倫貢學院學術成績卓越獎 2024/25)

[UOW College Hong Kong Academic Performance Scholarships_2024/25_Regulation]

[Scholarship and Prize Nomination Form]

[Additional Information Sheet]

[Declaration Form]

UOW College Hong Kong Outstanding Competitive Event Awards 2024/25
(香港伍倫貢學院公開賽卓越成績獎 2024/25)

[UOW College Hong Kong Outstanding Competitive Event Awards_2024/25_Regulation]

[Scholarship and Prize Nomination Form]

[Additional Information Sheet]

[Declaration Form]

UOW College Hong Kong DAE Outstanding Performance Scholarships

[UOW College Hong Kong DAE Outstanding Performance Scholarships_Regulation]

Eligible candidates will be nominated by the programme leader of DAE.

UOW College Hong Kong DIGS Outstanding Performance Scholarship [UOW College Hong Kong DIGS Outstanding Performance Scholarships_Regulation]

Eligible candidates will be nominated by the programme leader of DIGS.

EDB Outstanding Performance Scholarship 2024/25

[EDB Scholarship_2024/25_Sub-degree_Regulation]

[EDB Scholarship_2024/25_Top-up_Regulation]

[EDB Scholarship_2024/25_Bachelor-degree_Regulation]

[Outstanding Performance Scholarship (OPS) Nomination Form 2024-25]

[Talent Development Scholarships (TDS) Nomination Form 2024-25]

[Endeavour Scholarships (EDS) Nomination Form 2024-25]

[Reaching Out Awards (ROA) Nomination Form 2024-25]


[Declaration Form]

*Best Progress Awards (BPA) is not available for self nomination.

EDB Best Progress Awards 2024/25
EDB Talent Development Scholarships 2024/25
EDB Endeavour Scholarships 2024/25
EDB Reaching Out Awards 2024/25

HSBC Vocational Education Scholarships 2024/25

[HSBC Vocational Education Scholarships 2024/25_Regulation]

Application Form

Harry Li Memorial Outstanding Social Work Student Award 2024/25

[Harry Li Memorial Outstanding Social Work Student Award_regulation_20242025]

[Form A]

[Form B]

[Declaration Form]

YANIV Outstanding Social Work Student Award

[YANIV Outstanding Social Work Student Award_regulation_20242025]

[Form A]

[Form B]

[Declaration Form]

Scholarships for Students with Special Educational Needs 2024/25

[Scholarships for Students with SEN_2024/25_Regulation]

[Scholarship and Prize Nomination Form]

[Additional Information Sheet]

[Declaration Form]

Shun Hing Electronic Trading Scholarship 2024/25
(信興電器貿易獎學金 2024/25)

[Shun Hing Electronic Trading Scholarship_2024/25_Regulation]

[Scholarship and Prize Nomination Form]

[Additional Information Sheet]

[Declaration Form]

Young Chung Yee Memorial Scholarship 2024/25
(楊仲儀紀念獎學金 2024/25)

[Young Chung Yee Memorial Scholarship_2024/25_Regulation]

Please contact your own Faculty

*Information of scholarships/awards in 2024/25 will be updated from time to time

Deferral of tuition fee payment

  1. If you have financial difficulties and cannot settle the tuition by the payment deadline, you may submit an application for deferral of tuition payment AT LEAST 5 WORKING DAYS before the payment deadline. Late applications will only be considered under exceptional circumstances, and may lead to a penalty charge.

  2. Students who apply for deferral of tuition payment should submit the relevant application form in person to the following office:

    Tai Wai Campus

    College Office
    1/F, 18 Che Kung Miu Road, Tai Wai, New Territories, Hong Kong


  3. Approval for deferral of tuition will be granted on the basis of genuine financial need. Please make sure you submit all relevant supporting documents (e.g. copies of Certificate of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, income statements, bank account statements etc.) together with the application form. Applications without adequate supporting documents will NOT be processed. You may be invited to attend an interview if necessary.

  4. All students are expected to plan well for their study and finance, hence reasons such as awaiting the maturity of time deposit, release of salary, repayment of loan from others or reimbursement of employer’s sponsorships, mortgage repayment, poor finance management and the like will NOT be considered.

  5. Deferral will be granted for tuition only.

  6. You will be notified of the result by email within 2 weeks after the submission of applications.

  7. New students who successfully applied for deferment of tuition payment are still required to pay 10% of the annual tuition fee plus $400 graduation fee to indicate your acceptance of the offer.